Self-Isolation and Online Hypnosis
I know that many people are self-isolating during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Regardless of your reason for self-isolating, I want to draw your attention to one of the many online tools that can allow you to stay connected. At mind Machine Hypnosis, I work with clients around the world using Zoom. The Zoom platform allows for two-way video communication.
A typical online hypnosis session, allows me, the hypnotist, to work with you, regardless of your location in the world. That said, your location of choice should be a quiet place that allows you to relax. Your equipment requirements are minimal. Your laptop, desktop or phone, should have a working video camera, microphone, adequate internet connectivity and be set to not power off for at least 2 hours. (Occasionally, a session will run longer than 1 hour).
After you book your session, a link will be emailed to you and all you need to do is click on the link to connect via Zoom. I have availability every weeknight and on the weekends.
The question still remains – why am I raising this topic now? Simple. It is still possible for you to work on your success with your hypnotist or to book with me online. With technology able to connect us, you can remain in self-isolation and still make progress on the changes you want to make.